2018 7 Days of Fasting and Prayer, Blog Post

7 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 3 – June 20, 2018







From June 18, 2018 – June 24, 2018 we are praying and fasting 12 hours per day (6am – 6pm) only drinking water.

Day 3: June 20, 2018:

Read: Luke 7:36 – 50

Memory verse: Luke 7:50 And Jesus said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.

Jesus was at the house of a Pharisee. A woman came and began to wash His feet with her tears, dry His feet with her hair, kiss His feet and anoint them with ointment. Even though, by law, this woman should not have been allowed into the house and presence of Jesus, she proved that where there is a will to be in His presence and serve Him, there is a way.

Pray today:
1. To not allow your personal problems to prohibit you from serving Jesus or others.
2. For forgiveness of all known and unknown sin in your life and,
3. To humbly respect and honor everyone the same way Jesus did during His earthly ministry.

After you read and pray throughout the day, be sure to take time to listen for God to respond. Keep a journal to record what you hear Him say.

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About Thomas Clark IV

I am a husband, father, son, brother and friend. Most of all I love God and am committed to building His kingdom. I am a duly consecrated Bishop and currently serve as the Senior Pastor of World Deliverance Christian Center (WDCC), a multicultural church located a few miles west of Chicago in Bellwood, IL. I lecture, teach, preach and even coach a message of empowerment as I am committed to helping others be their absolute best. My wife, Felicia, and I have three children - Darius, Kyle and Nalisha Simone'. We also have a handsome and very inquisitive grandson named DJ.
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