2017 14 Day Fasting and Prayer Agenda

14 days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 14: November 19, 2017

It is important to maintain a regular prayer and fasting schedule as some things will only change when we do so (Mark 9:17-29). That is why today we are praying for the continued discipline we have established during our 14-Day Fast so that we can continue to experience His promised results.


See The Big Picture And Go Back To The Future

What Will The Church Of The Future Look Like? In the mid 2000’s, while attending a Bishop’s College in Fredericksburg, VA, I heard one of the facilitators say that a good mission statement will always help keep you grounded and focused. Last week, I heard Pastor C. E. Stowers, Jr. say the same thing. This statement is as applicable in…

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You Do Have A Purpose!

Why We Should Not Make Full Decisions Based On Partial Information

The Matthew 7:1 Mistake Many (Still) Make Today Even though it has been almost 30 years, I still cringe almost every time I think about how a simple statement I made hurt someone who considered me to be a friend. I was 14, a freshman in high school, and sitting in my drafting class. A young woman, who sat at…

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You Do Have A Purpose!

Sometimes, God says “Wait”!

Anyone who truly knows me is aware that I tend to be a pretty patient individual. I have a feeling that my wife would call it being stubbornly persistent, but I like to think of myself as being determined. Either way, I sincerely try to keep moving forward without becoming too high or too low; especially in situations which are…

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